
The Japan Times Sept. 12, 2010

China delays gas talks over collision

本文 China said Saturday it has decided to postpone talks with Japan aimed at signing a treaty over joint gas field development in the East China Sea in protest over Tokyo's handling of a Chinese fishing boat that hit two Japan Coast Guard patrol ships near the disputed Senkaku Islands.

The two governments had planned to hold the second round of negotiations on a gas exploration treaty in mid-September in Beijing. The first round of talks was held in late July in Tokyo.

"The Japanese side has ignored China's repeated solemn representations and firm opposition, and obstinately decided to put the Chinese captain under the so-called judiciary procedures," Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Jiang Yu was quoted as saying by the official Xinhua news agency.

"China expresses strong discontent and grave protest," Jiang said, adding, "Japan will reap as it has sown, if it continues to act recklessly."

China has said the confrontation could damage its relations with Japan, showing the sensitivity of the territorial dispute, one of several that trouble China's ties with its Asian neighbors. As the robust Chinese economy's demand for resources grows, Beijing's commercial ships are venturing farther from shore and its more powerful navy is enforcing claims in disputed waters.



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